Introducing the Virtual Fundraising Framework
It’s no secret fundraising has changed. What was common place for fundraising 12 months ago, doesn’t apply anymore.
So, what are you going to do? How are you going to make sure you can keep your doors open and continue supporting those who rely on your services? How are you going to create engaging fundraisers that will keep your donors excited? And how are you going to do that in an online manner?
These are big questions, but don’t worry, we’re here to help. As leaders in virtual fundraising we know how to host successful fundraisers online, that engage your donors, and ultimately help you raise more than you have in the past, and now we’re giving you the proven framework, tested by over 100 organizations, so you can win with your fundraising too.
Introducing the Virtual Fundraising Framework.
The three-part framework to creating a successful virtual fundraiser, that wows your donors.

Choose the Right Fundraising Elements
Especially when going virtual, having the right fundraising drivers are essential to engaging your donors. We like to break down these fundraising elements into two categories
Fundraising elements that drive people to engage with you.
For virtual events it’s your ticket sales, with an online silent auction it’s open bidding to the general public. With these fundraising elements the goal is to share it far and wide to get individuals to participate.
And remember, with online fundraising you don’t have to be bound by geographical restrictions!
Fundraising elements that encourage donors to give, more.
Now that you’ve got donors engaged with your fundraiser, the next goal is to give them more opportunities to donate. For your virtual event, try a live auction and fund-a-need, or maybe do a flash raffle and ask donors to buy tickets during the event. For your online silent auction why not ask for additional donations when people are checking out?
However you approach it, consider these two types of fundraising elements to increase the amount you raise with your fundraiser.
Build a COVID Safe Plan
With restrictions changing almost daily, it’s hard to know what will and will not be allowed when your fundraiser launches. Instead of leaving it to the last minute, build a plan that allows you to adapt on the fly and still host a successful fundraiser!
Start with Plan A
Ask yourself “If restrictions were to stay the exact same, what will my virtual fundraiser look like?“
Then move to Plan B
“What if restrictions were to ease? How can I adapt my fundraiser to match looser restrictions, while still keeping people safe?”
And finally Plan C
And finally, “If restrictions become tighter, what would my fundraiser look like, and how can it still engage my donors in an innovative way?”
With virtual fundraising, there are countless ways to get creative. We’ve seen everything from virtual bartenders, online dance classes, live cooking demonstrations, and even virtual wine tastings! Think outside the box and consider what will resonate with your donors and encourage them to participate, regardless of restrictions.
Execute with the Right Tools and Technology
The final key to a successful fundraiser is having the right tools and technology to ensure your donors can participate and engage in a seamless experience. For insight on the most popular live-streaming platforms with charity professionals right now, click here.
Not only does the right technology make your job easier, but it gives donors confidence to give, knowing their purchases and donations will make it to your organization.
We’d encourage you to simplify the fundraising experience for your donors. Give your donors everything they need to give quickly, from donation prompts at the right moments, reminders to participate in the live auction or 50/50, and notifications when they’ve been outbid on silent auction items. With regular prompts and easy calls to action, they’ll have no excuse not to give!
These are the insights you need to get started. Next, you’ll need the tools that allow you to execute.
You’ll need to find an all-in-one platform to host your virtual fundraiser with ease, and I have a feeling Trellis could be the perfect tool to help you do that.